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Registration for classes Nursery - VIII admission begins for 2024-2025. forms will be available at the school's Reception on all working days between 8:30 am and 4:00pm Registration for classes Nursery - VIII begins for 2024-2025. forms will be available at the school's Reception on all working days between 8:30 am and 4:00pm
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Karate helps the children not only to defend themselves but also in attaining Self Discipline, Improving Focus and concentration and Sharpening the Memory.

Table Tennis

Table tennis is the perfect inclusive sport for schools where a wide range of athletic ability exists in any year group. The core skills involved, such as hand eye co-ordination, concentration and body positioning, are skills that are important in most other sports.

Health Club

Health & Wellness Club in VSS can favourably influence the habits', attitude and knowledge relating to an individual and community. These clubs can modify the student’s behaviour towards the attainment of optimum health.

Venkateshwar Signature School in Raipur-Chhattisgarh